Friday 26th January 2024
ESD Endourology & semi-live surgery session (17.00-18.25)
Moderators: A. Papatsoris, A. Roque, N. Buchholz
17.00-17.05 | Welcome & session opening | A. Papatsoris |
17.05-17.15 | Video: mini-PCNL step-by-step | J. Desai (pre recorded) |
17.15-17.25 | Lecture: mini-PCNL: experience with the TFL laser | J. Desai (pre recorded) |
17.25-17.35 | Video: ECIRS | E. Popov |
17.35-17.45 | Lecture: ECIRS: indications and complications in a nutshell | L. Llanes |
17.45-17.55 | Video: PCNL complications | H. Ather (pre recorded) |
17.55-18.05 | Lecture: Complications of PCNL – how to get out of trouble in a nutshell | A. Budia- Alba |
18.05-18.15 | Video: RIRS | S. Jaffrey (pre recorded) |
18.15-18.25 | Lecture: Complications of URS in a nutshell | JP Caballero-Romeu |
18.25-18.40 | Coffee break |
Plenary session 1 (18.40-19.30)
Moderators: D. Kok, A. Dellis, A. Budia-Alba
18.40-18.50 | A new medical application to manage stone patients | D. Kok |
18.50-19.00 | Infectious complications of stone surgery | H. Ather (pre recorded) |
19.00-19.10 | New molecules for kidney stone therapy | JM Lopez-Martinez |
19.10-19.20 | How to handle anticoagulants in stone surgery | H. Kouicem |
19.20-19.30 | Bioresorbable stents – future fact or fiction | F. Soria |
19.30 | end of Day 1 |
Saturday 27th January 2024
Plenary session 2 (09.00-10.30)
Moderators: N. Buchholz, A.Papatsoris, M. Almusafer
09.00-09.05 | Welcome | N. Buchholz |
09.05-09.20 | From the U-merge Scientific Office: AI – a window to the future | A. Trinchieri |
09.20-09.30 | Decision making in tubeless PCNL | E. Popov |
09.30-09.40 | Data mining is undermining good old-fashioned research | A. Rodgers |
09.40-09.50 | Which laser for which stone? | E. Popov |
09.50-10.00 | Antibiotic resistance – a global problem for stone surgeons | A. Halinski |
10.00-10.10 | New approaches in urinary stent technology | F. Soria |
10.10-10.20 | Why should we measure urinary pH in stone formers? | J.A. Galan - Llopis |
10.20-10.30 | Zero radiation ultrasound guided PCNL, tips and tricks | M. Alameedee |
10.30-10.40 | Concluding remarks | A. Papatsoris |
10.40-11.00 | Coffee break |
Debate 1 (11.00-11.25)
Debate 1 (11.00-11.25)
Moderators: M. El Howairis, E. Popov, A. Budia-Alba
Pressure and temperature measuring during RIRS….
11.00-11.10 | …is useful | D. Staios |
11.10-11.20 | …is not needed | S. Jaffrey (pre recorded) |
11.20-11.25 | Verdict | E. Popov |
Debate 2 (11.25-11.50)
Moderators: J.A Galan-Llopis, A. Budia-Alba, D. Kok
Prevention of renal stones in future: personalized medicine or public health policy?
11.25-11.35 | Personalized Medicine | G. Gambaro |
11.35-11.45 | Public Health Policy | A. Trinchieri |
11.45-11.50 | Verdict | D. Kok |
Round table discussion (11.50-12.50)
Moderators: D. Kok, C. Tuerk, B. Hess
What can we learn from…
11.50-12.00 | Stone analysis | A. Trinchieri |
12.00-12.10 | 24 hour urine analysis | D. Kok |
12.10-12.20 | Urinary and intestinal microbioma | J.A Galan- Llopis |
12.20-12.30 | Genetic testing | G. Gambaro |
12.30-12.40 | Endourological stone observation | E. Popov |
12.40-12.50 | Is there currently a meaningful synergy between urologists, nephrologists and scientists in basic stone research | K. Stamatelou |
12.50-13.05 | Is nephrolithiasis a systemic disorder? Evidence from a prospective cohort study in 531 non-selected kidney stone formers. | B. Hess |
13.05-13.30 | Lunch break |
Plenary session 3 (13.30-15.05)
Moderators: G. Gambaro, H. Kouicem
13.30-13.45 | Ze Reis-Santos Memorial Lecture: Why is it so difficult to attract young urologists and scientists to stone research? | A. Rodgers |
13.45-13.55 | The 6mm obstructing PUJ stone: the case for RIRS | S. Jaffrey (pre recorded) |
13.55-14.05 | Are there clinical applications of macromolecular stone promoters/ inhibitors? | A .Rodgers |
14.05-14.15 | KSD stratification – Kaiser Permanente Pyramid | A. Budia-Alba |
14.15-14.25 | Α journey through light, the evolution of urological endoscopy | M. ElHowairis |
14.25-14.35 | Screening of high-risk stone formers: what, why, when? | A. Trinchieri |
14.35-14.45 | The 6mm obstructing PUJ stone: the case for emergency SWL | C. Tuerk |
14.45-14.55 | Urinary supersaturation and kidney stone formation revisited | A. Rodgers |
14.55-15.10 | Discussion |
15.10-15.25 | Coffee break |
Thematic session: The 1.5cm kidney stone (15.25-16.00)
Moderators: A. Papatsoris, M Al Mussafer
15.25-15.35 | The case for mini-PCNL | E. Popov |
15.35-15.45 | The case for RIRS | B. Geavlete |
15.45-15.55 | The case for ESWL | C. Tuerk |
15.55-16.00 | Verdict | A. Papatsoris |
16.00-17.00 | Sponsored Symposium |